is committed to being as inclusive and accessible as possible. We want users, regardless of device or ability, to be able to understand the options for our products and services and use our website to communicate with us. aims to have it’s website fully WCAG 2.0 AA compliant where possible.

To report an Accessibility issue you’ve encountered with our technology, please contact us via phone or contact form via the contact us page.

ATAG Statement

The Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines version 2.0, or ATAG, are a set of guidelines that govern how to create a tool for creating web pages that are both accessible and encourages the creation of accessible content.

Our website uses The WordPress accessibility coding standards which require new or updated code to meet the standards of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.0 at level AA. ATAG conformance is an additional goal beyond WCAG compliance.

An application that fully conforms with ATAG 2.0 must not only be usable by people with disabilities, but it should enable and encourage all users to create accessible content and assist them in repairing accessibility mistakes, without requiring any additional tools or add-ons.

The WordPress tech stack is not currently 100% conforming with ATAG 2.0, but pledges to pursue features that are accessible and which help users create accessible content in pursuit of the long-term goal of ATAG compliance.